Duration: 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2013

Contact: MSc. Nguyen Van Hieu; nvhieu@rimf.org.vn



1. Objecttive Assessing the current status and proposing solutions to conserve and develop the resources of a number of valuable and rare benthic species in the waters around Cat Ba and Bach Long Vi islands. 2. Tasks Task 1: Collecting information and documents related to the research Task Task 2: Research, evaluate the current resource status of 12 rare, economic benthic species in the waters of Cat Ba and Bach Long Vi Task 3: Researching and proposing some measures to conserve and restore the resources of economic and rare benthic species.



- A set of specimens of 12 benthics species - The original data set of each field trip - The atlas shows the resource distribution area of 12 benthic species in the waters of Cat Ba (scale 1: 50.000 scale), Bach Long Vi (scale 1:25.000) - Data set to monitor the growth of some benthic species in the experimental farming model. - Growth out products (wet weight, number of individuals). - The original data set to monitor the growth and recovery of resources. - 10 thematic reports - Project report - Certificate of registration of project research results

