Duration: 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2017

Contact: MSc. Nguyen Van Hieu; nvhieu@rimf.org.vn



1. Objectives Assessing the status of coral reef ecosystems as a basis for implementing activities to protect and conserve coral reefs 2. Activities - Assessing the current state of environmental quality (water quality, sediments, nutritional salts, hydrological and hydrological factors, heavy metals, oil pollution...) at Cat Ba archipelago. - Assessing the current status of some research species including coral, coral reef fish, the large benthic groups in the coastal area of Cat Ba archipelago. Investigating the status of coral reef ecosystems in the coastal area of Cat Ba archipelago. - Manta tow survey using GPS to identify field locations to determine the distribution of coral reefs, building maps of resource distribution and establishing coral reef protection zones on the edge of Cat Ba Island.



- Identified 68 species of 54 genera in 38 families of reef fish distributed on Cat Ba coastal coral reefs. The density of reef fish species in the area ranges from 3.5 to 57.5 individuals/500m2. The reef fish resources on coral reefs are estimated at 15.91 tons, Identified 206 species of large benthic animals belonging to 55 families, 24 orders and 3 phylums, of which 5 species are on the list of red book of Vietnam. - Identified 84 species of hard corals belonging to 33 genera and 11 families of hard corals. The coral reefs along Cat Ba Island belong to fringing coastal reef structures and are divided into 3 types of sub-reefs: closed reefs, semi-enclosed reefs and open reefs. The rehabilitation planting area of ​​3,400m2 coral reefs with 3,879 coral groups at 4 coral reef sites in Cat Ba coastal areas. After 36 months of recovery, the average survival rate of coral species in the areas reached 58.97%, the average growth reached 5.58mm/month. - Establishing and building a system of 40 buoys to protect coral reefs in 05 reef areas along Cat Ba Island.

